Essentially, what I do best is connect people. I use my experience as an actor to assist people to perform better. Whether that performance be on screen, stage or at work and in their personal life. Connection to others is what produces meaningful perfomance. My passion is in disseminating happiness and fulfilment through my coaching. I combine years of study and life experience in my performance training. All of which are realized through training programs that are  (hoprefully) informative, helpful, inspiring and, even life-altering. Years of training and experience in a range of disciplines are applied to my coaching work.


I’ve been an acting coach, instructor and teacher for nearly two decades working in the US, EU, and UK. I coach a variety of acting tecnhiques and design courses for both actors and aspiring actors alike.

I was a regular tutor a the Actor’s Centre in London from 2010 to 2020 before they permanently closed.

Recently, I’ve launched Offstage Acting, an acting academy that offers classes, courses, and coaching

"Todd is my go-to director when I feel I require a hand with my performance".

Rod Hunt actor & personal trainer

"I just wanted to thank you for the workshop. I found it very insightful and it has cleared up a lot of questions I had... So, thank you."

Corrina Jane actor

"You are an engaging talker and your stories are never boring and stick in your head. Your tips, very valuable."

Alex Marchi actor

"I think what made the session so good was your delivery which was full of enthusiasm, whilst making a connection with all of us".

Silas Morrison actor & voice coach

Improv instructor

As a former student of the famed Groundlings Improvisational Theatre in Los Angels California, I have been teaching improv basics, technique and performance for nearly 20 years from Prague, to Israel and London, etc..

Improv is an amazing tool for connection, not only for performers on stage, but it also translates to great results in all areas of personal relations like work, friends and family. For more information go to


connection facilitator

For nearly 15 years I have  been studying and developing a method for uniting people through group work. Globally, there is a necesity for humanity to come to a state of care and concern for each other. The answers we seek must come from a place of balance. No more extremes from right or wrong, pro or con but rather, we must connect together on the middle line. For more information regarding this method, coaching services and other details visit

DOG trainer

After graduating university I inadvertantly fell into studying canine behavior, and as a way to earn extra money, I became a professional, certified canine obedience trainer. 

At the same time, I inhereted a business from my teacher who was leaving the state of California. I became certified by the Association of Professional Dog Trainers (APDT) and rebranded the business as “A Dog’s Life“. Over the course of 5 years I trained dozens of dogs (and their owners). Today, although I no longer have a business or train professionaly, I do still, on occasion, provide some training and offer advice to dog owners.